Re: productions [NS 1, 10, 11, 17]

The more I think about it, the less I like the idea of
stipulating that "xmlns*" or other attributes be removed,
and that the attribute names be "expanded".

Removing attributes means discarding information that can
be significant to some uses of the XML data -- even things
as simple as recreating "most" of the input data.  There's
precedent in preserving "ignorable" whitespace (that's not
part of #PCDATA); prefixes, and where they're declared, can
be more significant than whitespace.

Bettter IMO to annotate elements and attributes with two
new values:  (i) local name, and (ii) namespace URI.

- Dave

James Clark wrote:
> (a) first you parse an XML document exactly as per XML 1.0, with the
> exception that every Name is constrained to be a QName or a NCName
> according to where it occurs syntactically
> (b) next you take the logical element tree produced by the first stage
> in the standard XML 1.0 way and produce a new tree in which some
> attributes are removed and some element type and attribute names are
> expanded

Received on Monday, 17 August 1998 16:23:04 UTC