Re: Comments on Namespaces 1.1 from XML Schema Working Group

At 2002-11-28 11:37, Richard Tobin wrote:

>This is a formal response from the XML Core WG to your comments on the
>Namespaces in XML 1.1 last call working draft.
>If we haven't heard from you by the end of Monday December 9th, we
>will assume for the purposes of our planned CR request that you have
>no objection to our resolution.

This is to thank you for your response, and to confirm formally
that the XML Schema Working Group is satisfied with the XML Core
WG's resolution of our comments.  In the cases where you agreed
with us, we are of course happy.  And in the cases where you
did not agree with us, we are persuaded by your arguments.

We thank you for your work on the issues we raised.

-C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, on behalf of the XML Schema WG

Received on Sunday, 8 December 2002 19:26:16 UTC