Re: FW: XML Query WG Feedback on Sept WD of Namespaces in XML 1.1

Michael Rys scripsit:

> I think that we can avoid revving the Infoset along with XML 1.1 only
> if:

I interpret your use of "XML 1.x" to mean "XML 1.x + Namespaces 1.x".

> 1. XML 1.1 describes a true superset of XML 1.0

The set of possible XML 1.1 documents is not quite a superset of the set
of XML 1.0 documents, but the differences are lexical and don't show through
at the Infoset level.

> 2. XML 1.1's superset is not adding new concepts but only adds to the
> value space of the information items (ie, undefining namespaces,
> allowing more character information items) or is purely syntactical
> (U+0002 has to be entitized).

I believe this is correct.  In fact there are no new character information
items; we have extended the value set of Names and Nmtokens, though.

> In any other case, the Infoset needs to be rev'ed as well. I don't think
> it is acceptable to have Infosets that combine 1.0 and 1.1 information
> items if the requirements above do not hold. 

I believe they do.

John Cowan
"The exception proves the rule."  Dimbulbs think: "Your counterexample proves
my theory."  Latin students think "'Probat' means 'tests': the exception puts
the rule to the proof."  But legal historians know it means "Evidence for an
exception is evidence of the existence of a rule in cases not excepted from."

Received on Thursday, 5 December 2002 15:42:59 UTC