RE: FW: XML Query WG Feedback on Sept WD of Namespaces in XML 1.1

At 15:41 2002 12 05 +0000, Richard Tobin wrote:

>> >At some stage we need to invert this whole edifice: the InfoSet data model
>> >should be the primary specification, and the XML and Namespaces specs
>> >(hopefully merged) should merely describe one possible interface for
>> >creating an InfoSet.
>> Many people agree with you here.
>I think there's a general expectation that the specs will be merged
>sooner or later, but Michael is asking for something much more
>controversial than that: making the Infoset primary with XML as just
>one syntax.  

You are correct; I failed to notice that.

So I take back my "many people agree" statement.


Received on Thursday, 5 December 2002 11:28:55 UTC