Link for "Attribute"

In the description of Element types [9] and [11] the link for
'Attribute' is linked to,
[41]--Attribute of "Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0", instead of to
[12]-Attribute of "Namespaces in XML".

Although the description of the [41] - 'Attribute'  syntax in "...(XML)
1.0" allows for all the condtions of [12] - Attribute of
"Namespaces...", it may be more handy to have the link in [9] - STag,
and [11] - EmptyElemTag of "Namespace..." point to [12]-Attribute of
"Namespaces...", so the reader can see the definition with the syntax
[1]-NSAttName of "Namespaces.." included.


Software Systems Engineer
Data Transmission Network, inc.
Omaha, NE

Received on Monday, 1 November 1999 16:09:00 UTC