CFP: DIMACS Workshop on Security of Web Services and E-Commerce

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DIMACS Workshop on Security of Web Services and E-Commerce


May 5 - 6, 2005

  DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ



  Brian LaMacchia, Microsoft,


Presented under the auspices of the Special Focus on Communication
Security and Information Privacy.




The growth of Web Services, and in particular electronic commerce
activities based on them, is quickly being followed by work on Web
Services security protocols.  While core XML security standards like
XMLDSIG, XMLENC and WS-Security have been completed, they only provide
the basic building blocks of authentication, integrity protection and
confidentiality for Web Services.  Additional Web Services standards and
protocols are required to provide higher-order operations such as trust
management, delegation, and federation.  At the same time, the sharp
rise in "phishing" attacks and other forms of on-line fraud simply
confirms that all our work on security protocols is for naught if we
cannot make it both possible and easy for the average user to discover
when a security property has failed during a transaction.  This workshop
aims to explore these areas as well as other current and future security
and privacy challenges for Web Services applications and e-commerce.




Call for Participation:


The workshop will be open to the public (no submission is necessary to
attend). If you'd like to give a presentation please send a title and
abstract to "" by January 17, 2005.

Submissions may describe ongoing or planned work related to the security
of Web Services and electronic commerce, or they may discuss important
research problems or propose a research agenda in this area. Also, we
intend this to be a participatory and interactive meeting so we hope you
will be able to contribute to the meeting even without giving an
announced talk.




Registration Fees:


(Pre-registration deadline: April 28, 2005)


Please see website for additional registration information.




Information on participation, registration, accommodations, and travel
can be found at:










Received on Tuesday, 4 January 2005 17:07:23 UTC