XML Encryption interop report

Hi Joseph,

The following is NEC's interop result for the XML Encryption.
Could you add our record to the matrix?

Thanks in advance,
Takuya Mori

    Takuya Mori
    moritaku@bx.jp.nec.com / tk-mori@isd.nec.co.jp
    Internet Solution Platform Development Div.,
    NEC Solutions, Tokyo Japan

[Application Features]						NEC	
Laxly valid schema generation of EncryptedData/EncryptedKey:	Y	
  * Normalized Form C generations.:				N (*1)
Type, MimeType, and Encoding:					Y	
CipherReference URI derefencing:				Y	
  * Transforms:							Y	
ds:KeyInfo:							Y	
  * enc:DHKeyValue:						Y	
  * ds:KeyName:							Y	
  * ds:RetrievalMethod:						Y	
ReferenceList:							Y	
EncryptionProperties:						Y	
Satisfactory Performance:					Y	
[Processing Features]
Required Type support Element and Content.:			Y	
Encryption:							Y	
  * Serialization of XML Element and Content.:			Y	
    1.NFC conversion from non-Unicode encodings(dchanged
      such that the application MUST provide data in NFC form)	N (*1)
  * Encryptor returns EncryptedData structure.:			Y	
  * Encryptor replaces EncryptedData source document(when Type
    is Element or Content).:					Y	
Decryption:							Y	
  * The decryptor returns the data and its Type to
    the application(be it an octet sequence or key value).:	Y	
  * If data is Element or Content the decryptor return
    the UTF-8 encoding XML character data.:			Y	
  * If data is Element or Content the decryptor replaces
    the EncryptedData in the source document with the decrypted
    data.:							Y	
TRIPLEDES:							Y1 Y2	
AES-128:							Y1 Y2	
AES-256:							Y1 Y2	
AES-192:							Y1 Y2	
RSA-v1.5(192 bit keys for AES or DES):				Y1 Y2
RSA-OAEP(128 and 256 bit keys for AES):				Y1 Y2
Diffie-Helman Key Agreement:					Y1 Y2
TRIPLEDES Key Wrap:						Y1 Y2
AES-128 Key Wrap (128 bit keys):				Y1 Y2
AES-256 Key Wrap (256 bit keys):				Y1 Y2
AES-192 KeyWrap:						Y1 Y2
SHA1:								Y1 Y2
SHA256:								Y1 Y2
SHA512:								Y1 Y2
RIPEMD-160:							Y1
XML Digital Signature:						Y
Decryption Transform for XML Signature:				Y3
  * XML Mode:							Y3
  * Binary Mode:						Y3
  * Profiled X Pointer support in Except URI:			Y3
  * Profiled X Pointer support in Except URI into replacement
    node-sets(I.e. super-decryption).:				Y3 (*2)
  * Full X Pointer support in Except URIs.:			N
Canonical XML (with and without coments):			Y
Exclusive Canonicalization (with and without comments):		Y
base64 Encoding:						Y1 Y2

Some Comments:
  *1:  Our not supporing these features is intentional.
  *2:  If the meaning of "Profiled X Pointer support" is "support
       for the same-document XPointers '#xpointer(/),
       #xpointer(id('ID'))' as described in The Reference
       Processing Model", we think we support the feature.

==== End of our interop report ====

Received on Tuesday, 6 May 2003 07:37:31 UTC