- From: Takuya Mori <tk-mori@isd.nec.co.jp>
- Date: Tue, 06 May 2003 20:32:52 +0900 (JST)
- To: xml-encryption@w3.org
Hi Joseph, The following is NEC's interop result for the XML Encryption. Could you add our record to the matrix? Thanks in advance, Takuya Mori ---- Takuya Mori moritaku@bx.jp.nec.com / tk-mori@isd.nec.co.jp Internet Solution Platform Development Div., NEC Solutions, Tokyo Japan [Application Features] NEC Laxly valid schema generation of EncryptedData/EncryptedKey: Y * Normalized Form C generations.: N (*1) Type, MimeType, and Encoding: Y CipherReference URI derefencing: Y * Transforms: Y ds:KeyInfo: Y * enc:DHKeyValue: Y * ds:KeyName: Y * ds:RetrievalMethod: Y ReferenceList: Y EncryptionProperties: Y Satisfactory Performance: Y [Processing Features] Required Type support Element and Content.: Y Encryption: Y * Serialization of XML Element and Content.: Y 1.NFC conversion from non-Unicode encodings(dchanged such that the application MUST provide data in NFC form) N (*1) * Encryptor returns EncryptedData structure.: Y * Encryptor replaces EncryptedData source document(when Type is Element or Content).: Y Decryption: Y * The decryptor returns the data and its Type to the application(be it an octet sequence or key value).: Y * If data is Element or Content the decryptor return the UTF-8 encoding XML character data.: Y * If data is Element or Content the decryptor replaces the EncryptedData in the source document with the decrypted data.: Y [Algorithm] TRIPLEDES: Y1 Y2 AES-128: Y1 Y2 AES-256: Y1 Y2 AES-192: Y1 Y2 RSA-v1.5(192 bit keys for AES or DES): Y1 Y2 RSA-OAEP(128 and 256 bit keys for AES): Y1 Y2 Diffie-Helman Key Agreement: Y1 Y2 TRIPLEDES Key Wrap: Y1 Y2 AES-128 Key Wrap (128 bit keys): Y1 Y2 AES-256 Key Wrap (256 bit keys): Y1 Y2 AES-192 KeyWrap: Y1 Y2 SHA1: Y1 Y2 SHA256: Y1 Y2 SHA512: Y1 Y2 RIPEMD-160: Y1 XML Digital Signature: Y Decryption Transform for XML Signature: Y3 * XML Mode: Y3 * Binary Mode: Y3 * Profiled X Pointer support in Except URI: Y3 * Profiled X Pointer support in Except URI into replacement node-sets(I.e. super-decryption).: Y3 (*2) * Full X Pointer support in Except URIs.: N Canonical XML (with and without coments): Y Exclusive Canonicalization (with and without comments): Y base64 Encoding: Y1 Y2 Some Comments: *1: Our not supporing these features is intentional. *2: If the meaning of "Profiled X Pointer support" is "support for the same-document XPointers '#xpointer(/), #xpointer(id('ID'))' as described in The Reference Processing Model", we think we support the feature. ==== End of our interop report ====
Received on Tuesday, 6 May 2003 07:34:39 UTC