Comments for Decryption Transform


Belated congratulations on your Decryption Transform Candidate
Recommendation [1]. Here are just a few comments.

A spell checker found:

s/whitespace/white space/
s/Working Group members/Working Group participants/
s/Well-Formed Data/Well-Formed Data/
- Use either a or e for all occurrences of descendant.
- In 3.1 there is a stray > in the second function.

I tried to find ways to make the functions straightforward.

Is it necessary to spell out and link to the Reference Processing Model
twice in function one? Could you just declare B like this instead?

    <em>B</em> is an octet stream as described in <em><a


    Reference Processing Model</a></em> [<a

If that won't work, can you make both occurrences identical like this?

    as described in The Reference Processing Model [XML-Signature section]

In 3.1 function one, well-formed (see section 4.3.1) links to 3.4.1.
Also, augmented (see section 4.3.2) links to 3.4.2.

In 3.1 function one, can the two list items inside the first item in 2
be at the same level as "B may not be in canonical form."? In other
words, can you eliminate a level?

Why does 3.1 link namespace to [XML]? I'd guess Namespaces in XML instead
(that would be a new Reference).

In 3.1 function two, are &amp;xenc;Element and &amp;xenc;Content markup
artifacts? If they aren't they could be marked up <code>.

In 3.1 function two, can the example, list item 3-1-1, be moved outside
the list?

Below are three short sections that might be simplified.

This sentence is dense and long.

    The REQUIRED URI attribute value of the dcrpt:Except element MUST be
    a non-empty same-document URI reference [URI] (i.e., a number sign
    ('#') character followed by an XPointer expression [XPointer] (as
    profiled by The Reference Processing Model (section of the
    XML Signature specification [XML-Signature])) and identify
    xenc:EncryptedData elements within the input to the transform.

It could be three sentences, something like:

    The REQUIRED URI attribute value of the dcrpt:Except element MUST be
    a non-empty same-document URI reference [URI], i.e., a number sign
    ('#') character followed by an XPointer expression [XPointer]. The
 value MUST identify xenc:EncryptedData elements within the input to the
 transform. [Whatever is profiled] is profiled by The Reference Processing
 Model (section of the XML Signature specification

This sentence is long:

    To correct this problem, the canonicalization-with-replacement step
    of the decryptXML() function augments its internal use of [XML-C14N]
    such that node-sets that are replacing elements whose parent node is
    not part of the original signed node-set, (which in most cases means
    that a directly-signed element was encrypted, as shown), are
    canonicalized with attributes from the XML namespace that would have
    been inherited by the unencrypted element in its original document.


    To correct this problem, the canonicalization-with-replacement step
    of the decryptXML() function augments its internal use of [XML-C14N].
    Node-sets that are replacing elements whose parent node is not part of
    the original signed node-set are canonicalized with attributes from
    the XML namespace that would have been inherited by the unencrypted
    element in its original document. Not part of the original signed
    node-set in most cases means a directly-signed element was encrypted,
    as shown.

Can you break this in two, with a period in place of the colon?

    While this change is made to maintain the validity of signatures
    using [XML-C14N], it does not interfere with the validity of
    signatures using [XML-exc-C14N]: this transform, and the inclusion
    of attributes from the XML namespace (i.e., xml:*), is performed
    during signature validation and generation.

Finally, in References, the URIs should not be links.


Best wishes for your project,
Susan Lesch                tel:+1.858.483.4819
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Tuesday, 17 September 2002 08:51:05 UTC