Re: XML Encryption Support for Camellia

I plan, this week, to update my draft of additional URIs for XML 
security, draft-eastlake-xmldsig-uri-02.txt. (See
Would adding a URI there be satisfactory?


On Mon, 28 Oct 2002, Shiho MORIAI wrote:

> Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 14:29:53 JST
> From: Shiho MORIAI <>
> To: Donald Eastlake <>, Joseph Reagle <>
> Cc:
> Subject: XML Encryption Support for Camellia
> Hi, 
> Sorry for my last-minute comments.
> The current document of the XML Encryption Syntax and Processing
> specifies only Triple DES and AES as block encryption algorithms. 
> I wonder if I might ask XML Encryption WG to consider inclusion of the
> Camellia encryption algorithm as an OPTIONAL block encryption
> algorithm.
> Camellia is under active consideration in the following
> standardization bodies and evaluation projects on cryptographic
> primitives:
> -- ISO/IEC 18033 "Information technology - Security techniques -
>    Encryption algorithms" 
> -- NESSIE project: (EC project)
> -- CRYPTREC project (Japan e-Government project)
> -- IETF TLS 
> Camellia has been scrutinized throughout the evaluation process of the
> projects above, and it performs very well in both software and
> hardware. For further information, please ask me or see the Camellia
> home page (  I believe Camellia
> would be the best choice for a backup algorithm for the AES in case of
> need.  Moreover, Camellia is worldwide royalty-free available.
> XML encryption is considered very important as the base security tool
> of many services. I think it desirable to allow for a wider range of
> optional ciphers to accommodate extension and connection to other
> security standards and existing business models.
> Best regards,
> Shiho Moriai
> NTT Laboratories 

 Donald E. Eastlake 3rd             
 155 Beaver Street              +1-508-634-2066(h) +1-508-851-8280(w)
 Milford, MA 01757 USA         

Received on Monday, 28 October 2002 09:19:12 UTC