Re: Data replacement

Yes, I thought we agreed that the octets long ago that what you encrypt is 
the UTF-8 encoding of the XML data you want to secure. What other 
serializations would you want, what does this permit (instead of being 
presently precluded/limited), and if I understand you properly, then we'd 
need to include an attribute that indicates the encoding of the decrypted 
content, right?

On Thursday 24 January 2002 02:43, Takeshi Imamura wrote:
> >productions [39/43] from the XML 1.0 specification. This would not mean
> >they have to already be serialized in a particular encoding, as the spec
> >says, *after* you've identified them as such *then* you "obtain the
> > octets by serializing".
> So, it seems to me that the sentence in step 3.1:
> If the data is an 'element' [XML, section 3] or element 'content' [XML,
> section 3.1], obtain the octets by serializing the data in UTF-8 as
> specified in [XML].
> means an element or element content is always serialized in UTF-8 as
> specified in XML and precludes other serializations.  That is still
> limiting...


Joseph Reagle Jr.       
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair
W3C XML Encryption Chair

Received on Wednesday, 30 January 2002 14:48:33 UTC