RE: Encrypting the IV - again. Was: Re: nonce length

Hi Joseph, I am inclined to agree with your approach. It makes more sense to
use chaining schemes that has already been standardised/scrutinized/vetted.
Perhaps the right way to go about this is to propose encrypting the IV used
with CBC mode to a standards body that deals with cryptography and let them
standardise it (e.g. NIST has been running a series of workshops on modes of
operation for block ciphers 

XML Encrypt should be flexible enough to allow for any encryption chaining
scheme to be specified. Thus once CBC with IV encryption is standardised by
one of these bodies, it can be used with XML Encrypt.



> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Joseph Reagle []
> Sent:	28 January 2002 22:55
> To:	Christian Geuer-Pollmann; Donald E. Eastlake 3rd
> Cc:	Dan Lanz;;
> Subject:	Re: Encrypting the IV - again. Was: Re: nonce length
> On Monday 28 January 2002 17:09, Christian Geuer-Pollmann wrote:
> > Well, it seems to me that I do not need obvious facts to introduce
> > necessary changes into the spec but well-known names ;-((
> Hi Christian, I'm not advocating that necessarily, nor that we just need a
> reference in order to accept it. In fact, I'm not opposed to encrypting
> the 
> IV. I'm just saying that I prefer that *this* WG not take it upon itself
> to 
> introduce a "new mode". I'm most comfortable if the issue has 
> been addressed by others and it's been vetted/discussed/standardized, etc.
> That's that.
> So, what do others people think? Should we encrypt the IV? (If so, we'll
> do 
> it.)
> -- 
> Joseph Reagle Jr.       
> W3C Policy Analyst      
> IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair
> W3C XML Encryption Chair
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