RE: content type decryption clarification?

>> If the first "plaintext" in the text means, as you say, a whole
>> I can understand this case.  But the text should be changed to something
>> like:
>> Note: If the Type is "content", the document resulting from decryption
>> will not be well-formed if (a) the original fragment was not well-formed
>> (e.g., PCDATA by itself is not well-formed), and (b) the EncryptedData
>> element was the root element of the document.)
>I never understand the (b) point. Why is it a problem if the EncryptedData
>is the root of a Document? After decryption, the decrypted content is
>placed into the document and replaces EncryptedData. If the decrypted
>contents contain exactly one Element and no non-whitespace-characted-data,
>it can be parsed (and replace the original EncryptedData).

Sorry, I mean if both (a) and (b) are true, the document will not be
well-formed.  Does it make sense?

Tokyo Research Laboratory
IBM Research

Received on Thursday, 17 January 2002 04:56:30 UTC