Re: content type decryption clarification?

On Tuesday 15 January 2002 04:32, Christian Geuer-Pollmann wrote:
> Hi Takeshi,
> >> Note: If the Type is "content", the plaintext resulting from
> >> decryption may not be well formed. This happens if the element whose
> >> contents have been encrypted was (a) an element containing more than
> >> one child element, or (b) containing non-whitespace text nodes.
> >
> > That also happens if an element contains only one element but also
> > contains character data before the element.
> >
> > By the way, according to [1], shouldn't we use "well-formed" and
> > "character data" instead of "well formed" and "text nodes",
> > respectively?

Yes, and I corrected a "clear-text" to "cleartext".

> That case (caracter data) is what I mean by non-whitespace text node (OK,
> non-whitespace character data). Just to illustrate this: If I take the
> following Element, encrypt the contents and make the EncryptedData root
> of a new document. In that case I could decrypt the EncryptedData and
> replace EncryptedData ELement the decrypted contents:

This was the text I think I wrote yesterday that I think covers the general 

Note: If the Type is "content" the plaintext resulting from decryption may 
not be well-formed if (a) the original plaintext was not well-formed (e.g., 
PCDATA by itself is not well-formed), or (b) the EncryptedData element was 
the root element of a document that was decrypted.) 


Joseph Reagle Jr.       
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair
W3C XML Encryption Chair

Received on Tuesday, 15 January 2002 15:58:10 UTC