Re: nonce length

This is a good point... The best solution seems to be to sign the data
inside the encryption. But we might as well recommend blocksize-1
length nonces for CBC as that's the best you can do and should certainly
add enough entropy...


From:  Christian Geuer-Pollmann <>
Date:  Fri, 04 Jan 2002 14:16:42 +0100
In-reply-to:  <>
To:  Dan Lanz <>,,,
Message-id:  <836488354.1010153802@crypto>

>Hi Dan,
>the xenc:EncryptedData/@Nonce attribute like described in the spec is NOT a 
>fully-working solution against IV-Attacks. Even while using a Nonce, an 
>attacker can modify encrypted contents without knowing the key if he can 
>make a good guess about the plaintext. In short, the number of modifyable 
>bytes is:
>modifyableByteLength = blockLength - (nonceLength % blockLength)
>Example AES (blockLength = 16 bytes)
>nonceLength  |  modifyableByteLength(nonceLength)
>    0        |       16 bytes
>    1        |       15 bytes
>    2        |       14 bytes
>    3        |       13 bytes
>   15        |        1 bytes
>   16        |       16 bytes
>   17        |       15 bytes
>   18        |       14 bytes
>This attack works because the decryptor has no way to detect that the IV or 
>bytes inside a complete Nonce block are tampered. (Yes, I know that 
>encryption does not provide integrity, but in the past it was argued that 
>the Nonce solves the IV-attack problem). In the spec, we have to following 
>sentence (section 6.3):
>  "Some encryption algorithms take an initialization
>   vector (IV) such that an adversary modifying the
>   IV can make a known change in the plain text after
>   decryption. This attack can be avoided by securing
>   the integrity of the plain text data, for example
>   by signing it, or, for most such algorithms, by
>   including an algorithm dependent length. A nonce
>   at least as long as the block for CBC chaining
>   block encryption algorithms may be adequate."
>Well, today I've learned that only nonce values of (n * blocklength - 1) 
>are 'secure' and this only if you encrypt an Element (because in this case 
>only the 1st byte can be modified and this is the '<' sign which MUST be 
>the first if you have Element content).
>Example below shows how this looks like; I encrypt the contents of the root 
>element which is only a Text node (luckily of length = blocklength ;-))) In 
>the example I changed "1 USD           " to "999.999.999 EUR ".
>- Plaintext ------------------------------------------------
><!-- AES-Key is in hex "000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f"
><!-- 1 -->
><root>1 USD           </root>
><!-- 2 -->
>- Original ciphertext --------------------------------------
><!-- AES-Key is in hex "000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f"
><!-- 1 -->
><root><xenc:EncryptedData xmlns:xenc="" 
>Id="myFirstEncryptedElement" Nonce="32" 
><ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds="">
><ds:KeyName>Christian Geuer-Pollmann</ds:KeyName>
><!-- 2 -->
>- modified ciphertext --------------------------------------
><!-- AES-Key is in hex "000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f"
><!-- 1 -->
><root><xenc:EncryptedData xmlns:xenc="" 
>Id="myFirstEncryptedElement" Nonce="32" 
><ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds="">
><ds:KeyName>Christian Geuer-Pollmann</ds:KeyName>
><!-- 2 -->
>- resulting plaintext --------------------------------------
><!-- AES-Key is in hex "000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f"
><!-- 1 -->
><root>999.999.999 EUR </root>
><!-- 2 -->

Received on Tuesday, 8 January 2002 09:40:12 UTC