SAML review of XML ENC


The Oasis Security Services TC developing SAML determined that given the
number of participants in the TC who were directly working with the W3C on
developing XML ENC, it is not necessary for the TC to provide independent
feedback to the W3C.

We appreciate the opportunity to comment and look forward to the speedy
progression of XML ENC.

- joe pato & jeff hodges, co-chairs OASIS Security Services TC

Joe Pato                                HP Labs Cambridge
Principal Scientist                     1 Main Street, 10th Floor
Trust, Security & Privacy               Cambridge, MA   02142
Trusted E-Services Lab - HP Labs        Phone: (617) 679-9376
<>                 Fax 1: (617) 679-9330
<>            Fax 2: (781) 674-0142 

Received on Friday, 4 January 2002 17:43:33 UTC