Re: Encryption: Decryption Transform for XML Signature

  $Revision: 1.9 $ on $Date: 2001/10/31 22:26:23 $ GMT by $Author: reagle $

Ok, I've had another go at re-organizing the processing rules and add some 
explanatory text. Please let me know if it's ok.

On Monday 01 October 2001 9:23, Takeshi Imamura wrote:
> >Could you remind me why we need to do the serialization and dummy node
> >wrapping again? (We'll need some text for the spec, because if I'm still
> >getting confused as to why we need to do all these serializations and
> >parsing others will wonder too!)
> >
> >With respect to importation... I suppose I could remove the node e.
> Decrypt
> >the node e. Now I have octets representing the UTF-8 encoding of XML
> >characters. You're saying XPath doesn't tell us how to re-insert this?
> Yes.  So we decided to replace a given node-set totally with another
> newly created node-set.  To do this, the given node-set has to be
> serialized as a whole, decrypt-and-replaced, and then parsed.


* I will be in France from 3-9 November for the W3C AC Meeting.

Joseph Reagle Jr.       
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair
W3C XML Encryption Chair

Received on Wednesday, 31 October 2001 17:27:53 UTC