Proposal to Publish Xenc Requirements

I'd like to publish the requirements ASAP. Is anyone opposed to publishing 
the content of [1] as a representation of the WGs "very rough consensus and 
intended direction." ? If so, please say so before Thursday March 29.



I've further collapsed the requirements on Encrypted Keys that were in 
Objects to similar text in section 2.

2.2 Now reads:

     2. The specification must provide a mechanism for conveying
        encryption key information to a recipient.  The structure must be
        flexible so as to meet a variety of application requirements
           + Carrying an encrypted key value that is encrypted to the
             recipient with an asymmetric or symmetric cipher.
           + Providing a name or URI reference to a known key
        It must be possible (though it is not necessary) to include key
        information as part of an XML encrypted data representation or
        referenced externally. Additionally, keys must be able to (though
        it is not necessary) to identify the data that they encrypt.

Joseph Reagle Jr.       
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair
W3C XML Encryption Chair

Received on Monday, 26 March 2001 17:57:48 UTC