Re: signature portability / C14N / inherited namespaces, etc.

"Joseph M. Reagle Jr." wrote:
> 1. Leave it to the application. In response to Merlin's question about DOM
> [1], Philippe Le Hégaret confirmed that removeChild will divorce the child
> from its ancestor namespace declarations.

The subtree is divorced from its parent, and thus from any ancestor
namespace declaration.

Note that DOM Level 2 does not use the concept of namespace resolution
defined by the Namespace recommendation. Each element/attribute carries his
own namespace name (aka namespaceURI in the DOM model) without using the
namespace resolution. We don't deal with the possible missings/conflicts in the
xmlns prefix declaration. This issue will be resolved by DOM Level 3 with the
synchronization with the Infoset.


Received on Friday, 1 June 2001 18:18:21 UTC