Re: Replacement for Nonce paragraph in section 3.2

On Wednesday 05 December 2001 16:39, Eastlake III Donald-LDE008 wrote:
> Some encryption algorithms take an initialization vector (IV) such that
> an adversary modifying the IV can make a known change in the plain text
> after decryption. This attack can be avoided by securing the integrity of
> the plain text data, for example by signing it, or, for most such
> algorithms, by including an algorithm dependent length. A nonce at least
> as long as the block for CBC chaining block encryption algorithms may be
> adequate.

I'm afraid this paragraph might confuse folks into thinking that their IVs 
for a given algorithm belong in this nonce attribute. Perhaps we could 
mention the IV as an aside with a future reference to somewhere in section 

Also, I'm presuming that the spaces in <Nonce> Zm9v </Nonce> in 5.5 aren't 
intentional; I've delete them.


Joseph Reagle Jr.       
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair
W3C XML Encryption Chair

Received on Thursday, 6 December 2001 12:10:58 UTC