RE: XML Encryption strawman proposal

My first impression is that the Simon/LaMacchia proposal would accomodate
your  scenario.
-----Original Message-----
From: Fikkert, Dick W. []
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 2:28 AM
Subject: RE: XML Encryption strawman proposal


I can give a sample for our demonstrator-1. I hope that folks back
home in the Netherlands will comment on demonstrator-II. They are
still working on it.

Please remember: it's a running demonstrator that
-	Has not a full and / or rich syntax
-	Assumes that passing on the decryption keys for the, in this case,
two 'encrypted classes' or target audiences, is somehow solved
-	It's a text node demonstrator only
-	Works on the consumer side, in this case IE. So there is no author
side demonstrator

Then ...
the encrypted XML example follows hereafter
and .... 
the decrypted XML example does not exist because that information in
only available in the display process. That's why our demonstrator-I
comes really close to Information Bound Security.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="confistyle.xsl"?>

<cat_name>		Sample EHCR			</cat_name>
<cat_item1>			Subject			</cat_item1>
<cat_item2>			Doctor/Departm.	</cat_item2>

	<extractX>	Flu in left arm			</extractX>
	<source>	Dr Smith			</source> 	    
	<extract>	Treatment xydoplaqs		</extract>
	<source> 	X-Clinic/GH			</source> 	    

     <extract>  <EncryptedClassA> Qbznfou!pwfsevf! </EncryptedClassA>
	<source> 	Acc. Dpt/GH			</source> 	    

	<extract>	Dbmm!jo!dpmmfdujoh!bhfou!</extract>
	<source> 	Bdd/!Equ!UD!	</source> 	    

	<extract>	Payment received		</extract>
	<source> 	Acc. Dpt <EncryptedClassA> UD </EncryptedClassA>

 	<extract>	Fqoguvke"rtqdngou"" 	</extract>
    	<source>    <signature>	IR"Uok"""  </signature>	</source>	


Received on Thursday, 24 August 2000 12:25:20 UTC