Introduction and Some Issues

I'm Joseph Reagle and I agreed to put together this list about XML
encryption, and we'll see if enough interest/discussion gells such that some
other more substantive thing happens (e.g., BoF, workshop, spec proposal,

The page and archive for this list is at:

I haven't given a great deal of thought to this but some issues I'm aware of

1.  Relationship to schema and DTDs (the content model needs to be flexibile
to support something that included elements, and now it includes PCDATA).
2. I'd hope it would use similar design principles and algorithm IDs to the
highest degree as possible as the XML Signature spec.

Joseph Reagle Jr.   
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair

Received on Friday, 7 April 2000 17:40:14 UTC