4506 Addendum: HTTP Accept Header Value

The 6/27 minutes at
show that the WG agreed to the following text proposed by Anish:

  "For example, when using SOAP/HTTP binding, the 'Accept' HTTP header
  value of 'application/xop+xml' in the request message indicates that
  the response may be sent using MTOM encoding."

When this had been discussed previously, I expressed concern, because
the outermost wrapper is, of course, the multipart/related media type,
not application/xop+xml.  Fortunately, the HTTP Accept header allows
parameter qualifications, so a value of

  multipart/related; type=application/xop+xml

should accurately express what is intended.

Pete Wenzel <pete.wenzel@sun.com>
Join the Open ESB Community <http://open-esb.org/>

Received on Wednesday, 11 July 2007 17:48:05 UTC