[NEW ISSUE] namespace name for MTOM policy assertion


It would help if all issues raised against the MTOM policy spec [1] follow 
this format.

Title: namespace name for MTOM policy assertion

Description: We need a namespace name for MTOM policy assertion. The W3C 
is moving towards a new scheme
for assigning namespaces that take the form: 
http://www.w3.org/ns/[shortname]. This issue serves as a placeholder for
choosing the final namespace for this assertion.

Justification: We need a w3c assigned namespace.

Type: editorial

Proposal:  http://www.w3.org/ns/soap12-mtom-policy

Note that I am proposing that the shortname be a follow-on to the MTOM REC 
shortname, simply adding '-policy'.

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/REC-soap12-mtom-20050125/


Christopher Ferris
STSM, Software Group Standards Strategy
email: chrisfer@us.ibm.com
blog: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/blogs/page/chrisferris
phone: +1 508 377 9295

Received on Tuesday, 20 February 2007 13:28:26 UTC