rec 42

As Hervé kindly proposed solution for each sub issues...

1. adopt the proposed resolution (remove the extra '>') in XOP 1.3 [1]
2. already in the the errata document [2] except for the namespace change
    from to
I am not sure we should change this now, especially as a NOTE is never 
final like a REC.
3. Same as 2.
4. is indeed a namespace document
    and doesn't contain any schema, the "TBD" document applies to the MTOM
    REC, we should indeed populate that URI with a schema, if it exists or
    replace the text by "The namespace of RRSHB"
5. If the group removes the line concerning the schema, then there is no
    need to declare it non-normative.



Yves Lafon - W3C
"Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras."

Received on Wednesday, 29 March 2006 13:55:46 UTC