Re: multiple MEPs per binding

On 3/7/06, Jean-Jacques Moreau <> wrote:
> Noah Mendelsohn wrote:
> > * Always, or almost always, if a binding supports more than one MEP, then the one in use will have to be discoverable from information in the non-envelope part of the transmission.
> .. or out-of-band!

Eek!  I hope not.  8-O That would mean that two byte-for-byte
identical messages might have different meaning dependent upon what
service receives it.  Amoungst other things, that would rule out many
asynchronous cases where, if the WSDL changes between the time the
message is sent and received, then communication becomes ambiguous.

If it's important to the meaning of the message, it should be in the
message IMO.

Mark Baker.  Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.

Received on Tuesday, 7 March 2006 15:07:10 UTC