[ANN]AXIS2-M2 released

The Apache Axis2 Team is pleased to announce the second milestone
release of Apache Axis2.

You can download the releases from:

This milestone release has the following features:
   * AXIOM, a SOAP specific streaming XML infoset model for SOAP 1.1 &
     1.2 Messages
   * Modules, the mechanism for extending the SOAP processing model
   * Support for WS-Addressing (as a module)
   * Support for one-way messaging
   * Support for request response messaging
   * Hot deployment of Web services and Module deployment based on
     archived modules
   * WSDL code generation tool for stubs and skeletons (without
     data binding for M2)
   * HTTP transport support
   * SMTP transport support
   * TCP transport support

Axis2 is taking shape and this M2 release is only a glimpse of what is
to be expected in the future. If you have a vision of how the next
generation of Web services middleware should be, and like to contribute
to Axis2, please join us  at axis-dev@ws.apache.org. Any contribution in
the form of coding, testing, submitting improvements to the
documentation, and reporting bugs is always welcome.

More information about Axis2 is available from the Axis2 home:

-- The Axis2 Development Team

Received on Tuesday, 7 June 2005 19:05:50 UTC