- From: cSOAP Library <csoap@gmx.net>
- Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 15:29:59 +0200 (MEST)
- To: xml-dist-app@w3.org
Hi folks, try the SOAP library written in C. You can also implement a SOAP server in C. Release 1.0.2 is also available for the win32 native platform. Try it out! Homepage: http://csoap.sourceforge.net Example client using CSOAP ---------------------------------------------- static const char *url = "http://csoap.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/csoapserver";; static const char *urn = "urn:examples"; static const char *method = "sayHello"; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SoapEnv *env, *res; env = soap_env_new_with_method(urn, method); soap_env_add_item(env, "xsd:string", "name", "Jonny B. Good"); res = soap_client_invoke(env, url , ""); soap_xml_doc_print(res->root->doc); soap_env_free(res); soap_env_free(env); return 0; } Example server using CSOAP ---------------------------------------------- /** FUNCTION: say_hello() DESCRIPTION: The SOAP Server service function. URN: urn:examples METHOD: sayHello */ SoapEnv* say_hello(SoapEnv *request) { SoapEnv *env; xmlNodePtr method, node; char *name; env = soap_env_new_with_response(request); method = soap_env_get_method(request); node = soap_xml_get_children(method); while (node) { name = (char*)xmlNodeListGetString(node->doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if (!name) continue; soap_env_add_itemf(env,"xsd:string", "echo", "Hello '%s'", name); xmlFree((xmlChar*)name); node = soap_xml_get_next(node); } return env; } /** FUNCTION: main() DESCRIPTION: Register and run soap server */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SoapRouter *router; if (!soap_server_init_args(argc, argv)) { return 0; } router = soap_router_new(); soap_router_register_service(router, say_hello, "sayHello", "urn: examples"); soap_server_register_router(router, "/csoapserver"); soap_server_run(); soap_router_free(router); soap_server_destroy(); return 0; } -- Supergünstige DSL-Tarife + WLAN-Router für 0,- EUR* Jetzt zu GMX wechseln und sparen http://www.gmx.net/de/go/dsl
Received on Monday, 13 September 2004 13:30:31 UTC