XML EBNF Question


    Could I please ask one further question about the document sentence? After
the root element, we have:
Misc* - Char *RestrictedChar Char*

1. I've found that misc is made up of comments and processing instructions
(which make up the DTD). So this means that these can occur after the close
of the root tag, in addition to in the prolog?

2. But, then we have
- Char *RestrictedChar Char*

The hyphen (-) means anyhing accepted by misc, but not by char*. But char
seems to derive all characters, so then, what can misc consist of? Then, we
have an unrestrictedChar followed by char* again. Does this mean that an XML
file can end with an arbitrary restrictedChar and then a possible limitless
amount of useless char characters?

Thanks.. I apologize for the seemingly simple-minded questions, however I
think I can generalize this knowledge to the rest of the EBNF.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Cantor" <

To: "'Daniel Zingaro'" <
; <

Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2004 11:29 PM
Subject: RE: XML Definition Question

>> I am not understanding something, because it looks to me in
>> this definition that only one element is allowed in the
>> specification (otherwise element would be written element+).
> There's a single root element that makes up the document. Inside that, you
> can expand "content" to be a sequence of elements, but at the top level,
> there's one root.
> -- Scott

Received on Monday, 18 October 2004 19:26:11 UTC