proposal for issue 448

Hi all,

per my action item here is a proposal for issue 448 [1].

MTOM/XOP together define two sets of elements:

1) The xop:Include element: this element is not extensible by elements
nor by attributes (this restriction is in the normative schema), the
reason being that this element has a very limited scope of use (only
appearing in XOP packages, not intended to be in an actual infoset an
application sees) and it is very simple, therefore if someone wants to
change the semantics, they should replace the whole element.

2) The Representation header: this SOAP header is meant to be extensible
both by attributes and elements, with the extensions adding information
about the representation, thus expanding, not restricting its semantics
(i.e. with an extension, the header may be more useful in some

If unclear, the specs should be amended to reflect this.

Best regards,

                   Jacek Kopecky

                   Systinet Corporation


Received on Wednesday, 25 February 2004 13:20:59 UTC