- From: Herve Ruellan <herve.ruellan@crf.canon.fr>
- Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 16:48:49 +0200
- To: XMLP Dist App <xml-dist-app@w3.org>
Dear all, I went throught the last versions of both the XOP and MTOM specifications to check for any unresolved problems in them. Here is a list of them with proposals for solving them. Hervé. --- XOP --- 2.1 MIME Multipart/Related XOP Packages Issue: The media type for the root part of the package is TBD. Proposal: I think that the media type can vary depending on the type of the original XML Infoset. Therefore, I propose to remove any reference to a media type for the root part of the package. --- 4.2 Interpreting XOP Packages Issue: Nothing is said about what to do when the reconstruction of the XML Infoset fails, or if the XOP Package is incorrect while still allowing a reconstruction of the XML Infoset (e.g., xop:Include has a child element). Proposal: States that any failure is to be handled in an implementation dependant way. States that any non fatal error may be ignored at the discretion of the implementation. --- MTOM --- 1.2 Relation to other specifications Issue: Relation with SOAP 1.2 Attachment Feature is not clearly defined. Proposal: WG should decide what is the relation with this document. --- 1.2 Relation to other specifications Issue: Relation with SOAP Attachment Requirements is that no reconciliation has been done. Proposal: Change this to state that MTOM fulfills SOAP Attachment Requirements. --- 3. An Optimized MIME Multipart Serialization of SOAP Messages Issue: This section does not reference XOP 2.1 MIME Multipart/Related XOP Packages section while it builds upon it. Proposal: Change 3.2 and 3.3 text to refer to XOP 2.1 MIME Multipart/Related XOP Packages section instead of RFC 2387. Add a reference to this section in 3.1 (this is already proposed in rec20 and rec22 resolution). --- 3.3 Deserialization of a SOAP message Issue: Nothing is said about what happens when the SOAP message can not be deserialized. Proposal: States that consequence of reconstruction failure is application/specification dependant. --- 4.3.2 Receiving a SOAP message Issue: How to recognize a message serialized using XOP? Proposal: States that this is realized by using the media-type, i.e., the whole message should be a mime/multipart-related package with a root part of type application/soap_xop+xml.
Received on Monday, 26 April 2004 10:49:39 UTC