XOP/MTOM specs remaining problems

Dear all,

I went throught the last versions of both the XOP and MTOM 
specifications to check for any unresolved problems in them. Here is a 
list of them with proposals for solving them.


--- XOP ---
2.1 MIME Multipart/Related XOP Packages
The media type for the root part of the package is TBD.

I think that the media type can vary depending on the type of the 
original XML Infoset. Therefore, I propose to remove any reference to a 
media type for the root part of the package.

4.2 Interpreting XOP Packages
Nothing is said about what to do when the reconstruction of the XML 
Infoset fails, or if the XOP Package is incorrect while still allowing a 
reconstruction of the XML Infoset (e.g., xop:Include has a child element).

States that any failure is to be handled in an implementation dependant way.
States that any non fatal error may be ignored at the discretion of the 

--- MTOM ---
1.2 Relation to other specifications
Relation with SOAP 1.2 Attachment Feature is not clearly defined.

WG should decide what is the relation with this document.

1.2 Relation to other specifications
Relation with SOAP Attachment Requirements is that no reconciliation has 
been done.

Change this to state that MTOM fulfills SOAP Attachment Requirements.

3. An Optimized MIME Multipart Serialization of SOAP Messages

This section does not reference XOP 2.1 MIME Multipart/Related XOP 
Packages section while it builds upon it.

Change 3.2 and 3.3 text to refer to XOP 2.1 MIME Multipart/Related XOP 
Packages section instead of RFC 2387.
Add a reference to this section in 3.1 (this is already proposed in 
rec20 and rec22 resolution).

3.3 Deserialization of a SOAP message
Nothing is said about what happens when the SOAP message can not be 

States that consequence of reconstruction failure is 
application/specification dependant.

4.3.2 Receiving a SOAP message
How to recognize a message serialized using XOP?

States that this is realized by using the media-type, i.e., the whole 
message should be a mime/multipart-related package with a root part of 
type application/soap_xop+xml.

Received on Monday, 26 April 2004 10:49:39 UTC