Data Model Formulation Checked in to Editors' Copy

On last week's call, the workgroup voted to accept the data model
formulation, and gave an action item to the editors to incorporate the
draft DM text into the base editors copy of our WD.  I have just completed
the changes, and have (attempted to) reintegrate the changes made for issue
431. The new files are at [1,2].
Specifically, what I have done is to adopt in bulk all the text that was at
[3], for sections starting with the introduction and ending ahead of the
change log.  I then reintegrated the issue 431 changes.  Note that I did
make a couple of changes to the sections on intermediaries (2.4.3) and
binding optimization at intermediaries (2.4.4) to try and make clear that
dm:type does not become part of the received Infoset (it can't), doesn't
affect the SOAP processing model, but may be available to an outbound
binding at an intermediary in the case where the inbound and outbound
bindings have chosen to cooperate.

I believe the above is the only substantial change I have made, given the
two base texts to be merged.

Thank you.



Noah Mendelsohn                              Voice: 1-617-693-4036
IBM Corporation                                Fax: 1-617-693-8676
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2003 11:31:55 UTC