Re: What is a SOAP Message

On Wednesday, February 19, 2003, at 07:55  PM, Mark Baker wrote:
> Thanks Roy, but one question of clarification ...
> On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 06:15:53PM -0800, Roy T. Fielding wrote:
>> So, yes, any payload of an HTTP message is a representation of
>> something,
> Can I assume that should be qualified with "except where the payload
> carries an action that is expected to occur"?  That is, that if I POST
> "add(3)" to a URI with the expectation that the number 3 will be added
> to the current state of the resource, that "add(3)" is not a
> representation in this case?

No, it is still a representation. It isn't a representation
that obeys the constraints of REST, but that is a separate matter.

> This would be in constrast to POSTing "add(3)" with no expectation of
> any addition operation (or any other) taking place, in which case it
> would be a representation.
> You seem to suggest this when you say "actions are defined by methods",
> but then your summation doesn't make that distinction.  I'm just trying
> to be thorough in the hopes that this will put this issue to rest (pun
> intended 8-).

POST is defined as having varying semantics based on the content of
the transferred representation.  It is allowed at the cost of 
In contrast, performing a GET where some syntax withing the URI
causes it to perform a separate action, such as path?add(3), is
strictly forbidden.


Received on Sunday, 23 February 2003 03:51:04 UTC