Re: What is a SOAP Message

+1 wrote:
> the data 
> that moves from point to point in SOAP is, in general, more than what is 
> within the scope of the application/soap+xml content type.  It includes a 
> potentially unbounded set of feature-specific data that is represented 
> outside of that media type.  One simple example is the so-called Web 
> Method (GET/PUT/POST), which the HTTP binding represents in the obvious 
> http-specific manner, but other bindings (MQSeries, perhaps?) will 
> represent using some other transport-specific means. 
> I find the term "SOAP Message" to be about right for the collection of 
> state >that is modelled by SOAP above the binding-specific layer< and that 
> moves from one node to another per the SOAP architecture.  I think that is 
> distinct from the envelope, which is indeed the part of the (transmission 
> unit formerly known as message) that is indeed in media type 
> application/soap+xml. 

Received on Monday, 10 February 2003 03:19:29 UTC