Re: Streaming and Well-Formedness

On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Noah Mendelsohn/Cambridge/IBM wrote:

> What worries me more is streaming request/response, which may be a use
> case that doesn't make the 80/20 cut.  Let's say I want to define an
> "uppercase this string" service, which returns some body string in
> uppercase.  If the string is 1GByte long, it would be nice to stream the
> response while the request is coming in, and indeed deadlock avoidance may
> require it.  If the input later proves to be not-well-formed, how do you
> reflect the fault?  That's the case that worry's me more, at least
> architecturally.  It's probably less common in practice.

Isn't this a perfect use case for attachements? If you know your body will
be very long compared to the envelope, then use attachements, of course
you need to have a way do do streaming of the attachements, and I'm not
sure that a MIME multipart is the best solution here, especially if you
have multiple contents to stream simultaneously.

Yves Lafon - W3C
"Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras."

Received on Wednesday, 2 April 2003 06:12:02 UTC