Updates to feature list based on disposition of Last Call issues

Pursuant to the action item I took at the last telcon and lamentably didn't
finish before the start of the F2F, here are the changes to the features
list in the implementations table
http://www.w3.org/2000/xp/Group/2/03/soap1.2implementation.html implied by
the resolutions in http://www.w3.org/2000/xp/Group/xmlp-lc-issues.html  I've
tried to err on the side of flagging changes that might be significant for
implementation tests.

Bottom line is that there are few changes to the table itself, but in my
non-expert opinion it would seem that there have been a number of changes to
the spec that would affect the tests described in the table.

Issue 209: encodingStyle attribute MUST be supported.  
This doesn't change the table, and all the implementations support it, but
it might change some related documentation somewhere.

Issue 210: SOAP header block elements MUST be namespace qualified.
Should a new row be added to the table to test this assertion?

Issue 215 (and 250?): "The value of the Role element information item MUST
be one of the roles assumed by the node during processing of the message".
Should Test #41 be updated to reflect this clarification of the Role

Issue 224 (and 383?) : HTTP status codes. The text of Test #38 doesn't need
to be changed, but it would seem that actual tests might to reflect the
resolution of this issue.

Issue 231: "[nodeType] attribute information item MUST, if present,
be one of the strings "simple" or "struct" or "array". It would seem to me
that we need a new test in the implementation table to handle this

Issue 263: Clarification of Reason element and Text subelement.  Does this
need to be reflected in the description of Test #41? 

Issue 291:  "The (new) "Envelope" element is made part of the
"http://www.w3.org/2002/06/soap-upgrade" namespace"  I don't THINK that this
changes anything in the implementation table, but perhaps someone should

Issue 297: generics removed from data model.  Wasn't this the subject that
triggered this action item?  I assume that someone has already made the
appropriate change to the table to grey out Test #27.4.

Issue 323: "To indicate that no claim about the encoding style are made, the
value for the
encodingStyle attribute information item will be changed from "" to
"http://www.w3.org/2002/06/soap-envelope/encoding/none"."   Actual tests for
Test #13 should presumably take this into consideration, although the table
itself isn't at that level of specifificity.

Issuue 338: Changes to state machine description for transition condition.
I can't find any explicit reference to this in the table, but wanted to
bring it to the attention of those more knolwedgeable than I am.

Issue 340: "Add a new line into Table 23 [2] for the
env:DataEncodingUnknown"  Again, this doesn't seem to be in the table but
might affect some actual tests.

Issue 357: Changed MisUnderstood to NotUnderstood.  This affects the wording
of Test #48 and presumably the actual tests as well.

Received on Tuesday, 29 October 2002 11:18:23 UTC