Re: Proposal for issue 277 - part 2

On Friday, Oct 18, 2002, at 12:57 US/Eastern, Henrik Frystyk Nielsen 
> I agree that this would be a consistent model but I think it would
> require changes to the current model based on qualified names described
> in part 1, section 2.8:
> "The version of a SOAP message is identified by the qualified name of
> the child element information item of the document information item. A
> SOAP Version 1.2 message has a child element information item of the
> document information item with a [local name] of Envelope and a
> [namespace name] of "" (see 5.1
> SOAP Envelope)."
I'd be fine with changing this.

> If I recall, the reason for going with a qualified name was to clarify
> that
>   <S:HenriksEnvelope xmlns:S="">
> would result in a S:VersionMismatch and not a S:Sender fault.
A sender fault would seem more logical here - the envelope is malformed.

>  Using a
> qualified name could also be seen as being more consistent with out
> treatment of header blocks.
I don't follow you, can you explain ?


>> I disagree, the namespace of the envelope defines the version
>> of SOAP -
>> any future version of SOAP that added new elements or changed element
>> names would also have to change the namespace. The upgrade
>> header block
>> just declares support for a particular version and hence only the
>> namespace is required - claiming to support that version means
>> supporting changed or multiple root elements so there's no need to
>> mention them explicitly.
> Henrik
> [1] 
Marc Hadley <>
XML Technology Center, Sun Microsystems.

Received on Friday, 18 October 2002 13:49:28 UTC