Re: fault/detail

At 5:18 PM +0100 7/23/02, Martin Gudgin wrote:
>Just out of curiosity do you want all the *descendants* of Detail to be
>qualified? Or is making the *children* qualified sufficient?

My general principle is that I want all elements defined by the SOAP 
spec to be namespace qualified by the SOAP namespace URI defined in 
the SOAP spec. (This assumes there's no good reason to use multiple 
URIs). Custom elements defined by users that are not defined in the 
SOAP spec should probably be namespace qualified as well, but with a 
different custom namespace. If elements aren't namespace qualified, 
they should be consistently so.

I specifically object to cases like this example in the Primer:

         xmlns:e="" >
         <message>Name does not match card number</message>

That should be

         xmlns:e="" >
         <e:message>Name does not match card number</e:message>

| Elliotte Rusty Harold | | Writer/Programmer |
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Received on Tuesday, 23 July 2002 14:15:58 UTC