RE: FW: LC Comments: Web Method Feature

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Amelia A Lewis [] 

> Incidentally, URIs also typically suggest a strongly 
> client-server model, a pull model, and synchronous 
> interactions.  All of those may be good reasons to speculate 
> on how to extend URIs, or what good addressing semantics are 
> for asynchronous, or push, or strongly peer-to-peer models.
I disagree about URIs implying a pull model and synchronous interactions.
The URI isn't pull and it isn't synchronous.
Any http based URI support PUT and POST - which are messages pushed to the
The site shows an http/javascript client that
receives messages asynchronously pushed by a server (when it works...).
The somewhat popular Gnutella network - built in part by Gene Kan who
unfortunately passed away recently - uses URIs and HTTP to do its thing.

So, URI are identifiers, how you interact with what they identify - topics,
queues, mailboxes, people, cars, songs, etc. - is a separate issue.

Mike "The Web works both ways" Dierken

Received on Tuesday, 9 July 2002 13:27:28 UTC