Re: Untargetted blocks (was Re: Must understand mustUnderstand proposal)

Doug Davis wrote:

> I not quite see the difference between "None" and "Final"/Empty.
> Header with a value of "None" will not be removed before it reaches
> the final destination because only blocks targeted for a particular
> actor will be removed by that actor, just like "Final", right?  And in both
> "None" and "Final" those headers can be referenced by other blocks, right?
> What am I missing?

I think there is a subtle difference in semantics, in that "None-blocks" are
general statements that are not targeted at any specific intermediary, and are
there either for information purposes, or for sharing data, whereas
"Final-blocks" are specifically targeted at the final intermediary, and you'd
hope that they'd processed and acted upon by that intermediary, although you
have no guarantee (unless you use "mustUnderstand" (or "mustHappen")).

As a side note, I am wondering whether "mustUnderstand" is applicable to


Received on Wednesday, 9 May 2001 12:55:47 UTC