Sample scripts for editing a Manila home page with SOAP

Today, I posted some sample scripts that allow a workstation to emulate
Radio UserLand's outliner[1] in editing a Manila[2] website. They show how
to edit a Manila site's home page using SOAP-RPC:$1355

Here's a quote from Scripting News[3]:

"We'd like to see two specific projects come from this. An editor that runs
on Unix, perhaps emacs or vi, that through Apache, allows a user to create
and edit stories and update the home page of a Manila site in the same
natural way that Radio works with Manila. The other project is to write a
.NET application that allows the CLR to be a great editor for Manila text in
the same way... 

"All you'll have to do is emulate the functionality in other scripting
environments. Then we'll have a very important kind of interop, between
writers on all these platforms."

It's important to note that you can do this with XML-RPC[4] too. You're not
tied to SOAP. The RPC interface[5] to Manila is identical, no matter which
protocol you decide to use.


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Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2001 22:13:28 UTC