- From: Paul Cotton <pcotton@microsoft.com>
- Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 10:27:40 -0400
- To: "Nilo Mitra (EMX)" <Nilo.Mitra@am1.ericsson.se>
- Cc: "W3C XML Protocol IG (E-mail)" <xml-dist-app@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <E7AC4500EAB7A442ABA7521D1881439701470E49@tor-msg-01.northamerica.corp.microsoft>
1. In the past people has stated that many of the examples in the current SOAP 1.2 specification could be moved to the proposed Primer. According to this description (you mention only examples 1,2,48,49,50,51,52) I assume you are proposing leaving most of the examples in the other documents. Is this true? 2. I think a section on SOAP 1.1 backwards compatability would be useful. 3. I think a section on error conditions would be useful. Everything in your ToC seems to describe things that work perfectly. /paulc Paul Cotton, Microsoft Canada 17 Eleanor Drive, Nepean, Ontario K2E 6A3 Tel: (613) 225-5445 Fax: (425) 936-7329 < mailto:pcotton@microsoft.com> -----Original Message----- From: Nilo Mitra (EMX) [mailto:Nilo.Mitra@am1.ericsson.se] Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 3:12 PM To: 'XMLP Internal' Subject: Proposed Primer ToC Dear All: Based on a telecon between the editors of the current spec and myself, please find below a proposed ToC for the SOAP:Primer. My ideas for what the contents might be follow the headings in the ToC. Also, please note that the section headings are tentative place-holders, chosen more to reflect the content. The scenario numbers S### are from the requirements document [2]. Please let me know what you think. Thanks, Nilo nilo.mitra@ericsson.com [1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xml-protocol-wg/2001Aug/0023.htm l [2] http://www.w3c.org/TR/2001/WD-xmlp-reqs-20010319/#N2690 ======== SOAP 1.2: Primer Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview Briefly explain the separate entities: SOAP "core", its binding to alternative transports,.... in effect a guide to the two parts of the specification 1.2 SOAP Processing Model Briefly explain what is done by/responsibility of SOAP processors, what is outside 1.3 Extensibility mechanisms Briefly explain how applications can define new extension mechanisms. Pointers to specific examples in Sections 2, 3. 2. BASIC USAGE SCENARIOS 2.1 One-way SOAP messages <<covers S1; I don't think S2 needs an explicit example, just some text perhaps>> This could be Example 0 from the current spec. We could follow up to show its use with acknowledgements <<scenario S5>>, for HTTP POST and a response 202/204 and SMTP with DSN. (Would also serve to clarify the distinction between a SOAP one-way and the underlying protocol's messaging pattern.) 2.2 Two-way SOAP messages 2.2.1 Document-style message exchange <<covers S3, maybe also S6>> Need to make up an example here. <<Could make up some examples here to cover S6 and S10 - encrypted payload/header>> 2.2.2 SOAP for RPC <<covers S4>> Could use example 1/2 and/or example 48/50/52 from the current spec. These show HTTP mapping. 3. ADVANCED USAGE SCENARIOS This chapter would cover scenarios involving intermediaries, adding headers, mU, etc. Two options are possible: sections based on features (e.g., adding new headers..) versus sections named after scenarios (e.g., "Conversational message exchange") showing the use of such features keeping the structure like section 2. For now, I chose the former. The intent would be to show clearly what is in the scope of the spec and what needs to be done outside of it via hooks provided in the spec (e.g., extension mechansims) 3.1 Using headers Could provide one example here where a header block for correlation ID is used along with an SMTP binding. <<covers scenario S8, S17, possibly S20 if example is suitably chosen>> Could provide (a la example 49/51) example showing fault code for failure to understand mandatory header. 3.2 Using SOAP intermediaries Need to provide *new* examples here (choose from tracking, logging, cacheing,....) that exercise the actor and mU attributes. <<would cover S11, parts of S10, S807, S810, maybe others>> <<Paul Denning has sent me email saying that he'd like to "help with S810". perhaps we could use some examples from SOAP-RP??>> 3.3 Using other transport bindings Need to provide examples. Or it could just be a description or issues that the application designer must be aware of or what expectations to have when using any particular underlying transport. 3.4 using other serialization schemes I have not been able to find a way to cover the more unusual usage scenarios, c.f., S21. I'm not sure we need to validate each one of them. Comments welcome, Nilo
Received on Thursday, 16 August 2001 10:28:54 UTC