RE: Schematron schema for SOAP 1.1 Envelopes

> Rick JELLIFFE wrote:
> ...
> I followed the debate on XML Namespace with great interest on the XML IG
> at the time.  Henrik is trying to rewrite history:
> ...
Relax people. Let's not put words in other people mouths.
Everybody is in violent agreement that the URI of a namespace is not
required to be able to be used to access a resource of some kind. Many
experienced people have written many times that doing so is a Bad Idea, and
provide reasons and alternatives. Several orders of magnitude more people
are going to try to do it anyway - I think that was the point Henrik was
trying to make.

The links David sent in his message are very useful in understand more of
the issue, but that isn't going to change the fact that avoiding the use of
'namespace URI == schema definition' requires user education.

When I read Rick's message, it was very useful to have actual examples in
XML of what he was talking about. I suggest that future discussions about
this issue use real XML to show what the alternatives are and clearly show
what problems will happen.

Mike D

Received on Thursday, 21 September 2000 12:18:08 UTC