DR 202: custom encodings?

As proposed by Stuart in [1], I suggest we delete the second sentence
from this requirement; and that we eventually also drop custom
encoding (this was also suggested by Hervé).

              The XML Protocol will allow applications to include
              custom encodings for data types used for parameters
              and results in RPC messages.

Or else we should really emphasize the fact that applications using
custom encodings WILL NOT be XP compliant.


[1] Stuart Williams/DR 201, DR202 and DR203: Programming Language
Bindings/ Tues 20:02 GMT+1

Original text:
              The XML Protocol will allow applications to include
              custom encodings for data types used for parameters
              and results in RPC messages. Mechanisms for
              automatically binding data represented in RPC
              messages to native constructs in a programming
              language will not be precluded.

Received on Wednesday, 15 November 2000 11:56:23 UTC