XP Draft Req's - Comment


Just a few comments:

DR609...mandate use of UFT-8 as charset of choice?

Yes, please. Canonicalization of XML and use of HTTP as transport 
would be more straightforward.

DR201...RPC conventions will use section 3.5 data representation...

No harm in asking, right?
In the 'straightforward mappings' area, I would like to see given a 
mapping of the data types used to OLE Automation types...but if 
that is too much of a stretch (object system?) I would need:

DR202...RPC custom encodings...

So I could define my own data binding mechanism for them. We 
can't be the only people relying heavily on Automation types for 
RPC in a Microsoft environment. (Yes, even long after .NET 
becomes widespread).

DR040...Issue i.040.01...

Keep it simple. Base64 encoding is available per R401 (although 
xsd:base64 has limitations). But I sympathize with those who don't 
want to base64 encode 10 MB objects that need to be passed by 
value...but it seems out of scope indeed. It is XML that would 
require amendment, possibly.


Received on Saturday, 11 November 2000 12:11:26 UTC