Re: The Two Way Web

> Perhaps this is something of a tangent, but I've been impressed by the way
> some relatively old ideas in this space (Linda systems) have been
> re-presented in a simple, more developer friendly manner. I'm thinking of
> Sun's Javaspaces/Jini work and the TSpaces system from IBM, though there
> are other manifestations around.

Hmm..interesting idea.  One could conceptually model HTTP as being sort
of like a space based system.  But lack of transaction support, the
read-only tendancy of the web, and the representative state transfer
would make the mapping rather ugly.  Then again, I've got no problem
with replacing HTTP with a linda-spaces type system :P

Has anyone done a spaces type system using only HTTP and XML yet? 
That'd be a fun little project...

Justin Chapweske - Noodler, Cyrus Intersoft

Received on Friday, 24 March 2000 12:51:56 UTC