RSS 0.91 restated

After an impromptu RSS BOF at Dale Dougherty's Web Publishing track at WWW9,
I resolved to get RSS moving again.

What is RSS? Perhaps you don't know. If so, check out the brief history on
today's Scripting News, here:

Then read the spec:

It's not final, but I expect it will be by the end of the week. It's just a
cleanup and restatement of 0.91, with the Netscapeisms removed, and pointers
to the specs that are behind RSS. There's been a fair amount of interest in
evolving RSS, but I felt that first we needed a strong foundation, a spec
that was simple, understandable and complete. Hopefully that's what we now

Dave Winer,

Received on Wednesday, 7 June 2000 18:36:10 UTC