Requesting XML records via Z39.50

I would like to revisit the implementor agreement on "Requesting XML 
Records",, as it has 
been many years since it we've discussed it, and it does seem to warrant 
some clarification.

Briefly,  to retrieve records according to a specific XML schema using 
Z39.50 (if you DON'T want to use compSpec):
1. XML is specified as the record syntax,  specifically 'xml-b': 
2. The schema identifier is specified as the element set name.

This has come up in discussion with a few implementers, some who want to 
retrieve holdings records (ISO 20775), others marcXchange records (ISO 
25577), as well as subschemas of these two schemas.

As a result of that discussion I have registered the following:

1.2.840.10003.13.11   ISO 20775 Schema for holdings

1.2.840.10003.13.11.1  the holdingsHistory subschema (element set) of ISO 
20775 Holdings Schema

1.2.840.10003.13.12 'MarcXchange'  ISO 25577 XML schema for MARC formatted 

1.2.840.10003.13.12.1  danMARC2 subschema of MarcXchange

1.2.840.10003.13.12.2  MarcXML subschema of MarcXchange

Please comment, particularly implementors who retrieve XML records but don't 
do it this way.

 If there is no discsussion on this (say, by February 9), I will re-write 
the implementor agreement with appropriate clarification.


Received on Monday, 26 January 2009 15:55:46 UTC