Re: Terms and display terms in scan

On Thu, Feb 19, 2004 at 11:35:53AM +0000, Robert Sanderson wrote:
> We return the stemmed term, eg 'happi' for happy, happily, happiness.

So returned 'term' values may be munged, but are used for searching.

This implies you have to guarantee any output of your stemmer can
be fed back into the stemmer and have the same value output again.
Otherwise the term from the scan could not be used for searching.

In the case of soundex, this could be achieved by looking at the
term and saying "ooh, that looks like the output of the soundex
algorithm - I will just leave that alone".

This is also consistent with what Ashley does - if it has spaces,
munge it. If it does not have spaces, maybe its a scan term so don't
do anything to it.


Received on Thursday, 19 February 2004 18:24:46 UTC