ebXML with Z39.50 -- help needed!

The OASIS E-Government Technical Committee has begun to
discuss the role of the Z39.50 (ISO 23950) standard in
achieving greater interoperability. The OASIS E-GOV TC
has also focused on the role of registries, especially
those registries modeled on ebXML, ISO 11179, or UDDI.

Now, there is an immediate opportunity to demonstrate
Z39.50 search service interoperability in the case of
ebXML (Electronic Business XML Initiative):

  At 04:21 PM 11/12/2003 -0500,
     <Farrukh.Najmi@Sun.COM> wrote:
  >[...] I will be making formal proposals in ebXML
  >Registry TC to support Z39.50 out-of-box. This is
  >a direct consequence of your very persuasive work
  >on the subject. I also intend to provide an
  >implementation of it in the freebXML Registry even
  >before it is approved in the standard.

Farrukh Najmi is an XML Standards Architect at Sun
Microsystems, Inc. His focus in recent years has been on
Registries, Repositories, Enterprise Content Management,
and eGovernment. He is an active contributor to the ebXML
standard and is a principal author and editor of the OASIS
ebXML Registry specifications. Currently, Farrukh is the
specification lead for the Java API for XML Registries
(JAXR). He also leads an open source project that provides
a royalty-free implementation of the ebXML Registry and
JAXR standards.

ebXML is a "global initiative to develop an open technical
framework to enable XML to be utilized in a consistent and
uniform manner for the exchange of all electronic business
data." The home page of the OASIS ebXML Registry TC is at

I see as a rare and exciting opportunity for a major
breakthrough. Demonstrating Z39.50 with ebXML could
spark very useful interoperability between e-business
and information retrieval.

Farrukh is just beginning to delve into Z39.50 and
I strongly encourage anyone with expertise in Z39.50
to contact him about demonstrating this interoperability.

Please do forward this notice to all persons or discussion
lists where there may be folks willing to lend a hand.



Eliot Christian echristian@usgs.gov 703-648-7245 fax 703-648-7112
FGDC, US Geological Survey, 802 National Center, Reston VA 20192

Received on Monday, 17 November 2003 17:02:22 UTC